Compare Functionality in Pods 1.x to Pods 2.x

In Pods 2.0, we’ve simplified and cleaned up confusing names of functions and methods. Below is a comparison in case you’re familiar with Pods 1.x functionality. This will help you quickly migrate from any Pods 1.x site to Pods 2.x.

Note: Pods 2.x is backwards compatible with Pods 1.x code in most cases, but we still recommend you switch to the new syntax for future-proofing your site.

Compare Global Functions

Run a SQL Querypod_query()pods_query()
Run Pods UI for Custom Admin screenspods_ui_manage()pods_ui()
MySQL Related functionsmysql_*()Don’t use them, use WPDB or pods_query()

Compare Pods object methods

Get the Pods object$pod = new Pod( ‘pod’ )$pod = pods( ‘pod’ )
Get a field value$pod->get_field()$pod->field()
Display a field value$pod->get_field()$pod->display()
Find items$pod->findRecords()$pod->find()
Fetch the next item$pod->fetchRecord()$pod->fetch()
Get the current Pod item ID$pod->get_pod_id()$pod->id()
Get the pagination$pod->getPagination()$pod->pagination()
Get the search filters$pod->getFilters()$pod->filters()
Output a public form$pod->publicForm()$pod->form()
Total number of items found (regardless of ‘limit’)$pod->getTotalRows()$pod->total_found()
Total number of items returnedN/A$pod->total()

Compare PodsAPI object methods

Get the PodsAPI object$api = new PodAPI()$api = pods_api()
Delete a Pod Item$api->drop_pod_item()$api->delete_pod_item()
Delete a Pod$api->drop_pod()$api->delete_pod()
Delete a Pod Field$api->drop_column()$api->delete_field()
Get a Pod Field$api->load_column()$api->load_field()
Save a Pod Field$api->save_column()$api->save_field()

Compare Tables

Pod Item Indexeswp_podRemoved and fields pushed into individual pod tables
Pod Itemswp_pod_tbl_*wp_pods_*
Pod Relationshipswp_pod_relwp_podsrel
Podswp_pod_typesRemoved and converted into a Custom Post Type
Pod Fieldswp_pod_fieldsRemoved and converted into a Custom Post Type
Pod Templateswp_pod_templatesRemoved and converted into a Custom Post Type
Pod Pageswp_pod_pagesRemoved and converted into a Custom Post Type
Pod Helperswp_pod_helpersRemoved and converted into a Custom Post Type

Compare Other Functionality

findRecords lookupsp.created, p.modifiedt.created, t.modified
Templates and Helpers$this points at the current Pod object$obj points at the current Pods object
Input HelpersAvailableNo longer supported
Multi-select FieldsReturn array of field data if 1 setReturn arrays of array field data whether it’s 1 or more