Custom Settings Page Output Using Pods API

<?php ​ /* place the following code in functions.php */ ​ function get_company_details() { $pod = pods('company_details'); ​ $fields = array( 'company_name' => $pod->field('company_name'), 'street_address' => $pod->field('street_address'), 'city' => $pod->field('city'), 'state' => $pod->field('state'), 'postal_code' => $pod->field('postal_code'), 'telephone' => $pod->field('telephone') ); ​ return $fields; } ​ ?> <?php ​ /* place the following code in {@template-name}.php …

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Display Filters with Magic Tags

Used to modify the output of your fields using built-in or custom functions, especially helpful for conditional formatting or for complicated display rules.

Special Magic Tags

If you want to pull back dynamic information from the Logged-in User, or Parameter Values or other special information about your WordPress site, you want to use the Special Magic Tags

Using Magic Tags

Explains the common usage for Magic Tags, where they can be used and how to access the standard post fields, custom fields and media fields in a Custom Post Type or Taxonomy.

Displaying Custom Settings with get_option

/* In this example my_custom_settings is the Custom Settings Page my_option is the field within that pod. You combine the two with an underscore to display them with get_option */ $my_option = get_option( 'my_custom_settings_my_option' );

Pods Templates

Create re-usable templates of content that you can put anywhere on your website using Pods Blocks, Pods Shortcodes, Pods Widgets, or automatically inserted in your Single & Archive Post Templates using Auto Templates.