Step 3: Reorder Fields and See Them In Action

Reorder The Fields Before saving the Pod, we need to rearrange the order of the fields. They will have the same order in the profile editor as they do in the Pods editor, so we are going to want to put them in a logical order. Rearranging them is as simple as clicking on the …

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Step 5: Creating A List Of Users and Profile Page

Now it is time to create a user directory page on our page. This can be as simple as a list of names with links to author profile pages or a full fledged directory with all of the user’s information.

Step 2: Add Fields To Users

While WordPress’ built-in user profiles offer only limited fields, Pods will allow for pretty much anything we need to be added to profiles. In this tutorial we will be using plain text, number, phone number, website and avatar fields.